How big is the board?
At full capacity there are twelve (12) members of the Board of Directors, plus the President. Only members whose dues are paid current are eligible to serve as directors or officers. All directors will serve for two (2) years with half of the directors completing their term each year. A voting quorum at any directors meeting consists of six (6) directors.
Do you have to pay to be a member?
Membership dues voluntary and are currently $20 per year; residents are automatically members of Indian Valley Associates regardless of dues.
Can you help settle a dispute with a neighbor?
No. There may be members on the board with some experience that could advise toward a resolution, but as a board the IVA can’t take sides in any disputes.
Can you stop anyone from building anything?
No, that’s the role of Marin County Community Development. The IVA’s Design Review Committee only reviews projects within Indian Valley that are subject to Design Review to ensure they are in keeping with the Indian Valley Specific Plan.
What exactly do we get for our dues?
The benefits of membership include representation at the County level for issues concerning Indian Valley, such as speeding traffic, watershed management, Open Space safety, etc. We also host Chipper Days for fire management at least once a year. Website management, our newsletter production and mailing, the annual meeting – are all benefits your dues help pay for. The IVA has a strict policy that any expenditures outside the realm of membership be funded through donations.